Noise effects & noise protection
ZEUS is one of the leading non-university institutions in the field of psychological and sociological research of noise effects in Germany.Noise has proven negative effects on the welfare and quality of life. Noise disturbs, annoys, and leads to stress reactions that in turn can lead to more long-term health deseases.
Our Services in
field of noise effects & noise protection:
- Expertises and studies on the impact of noise on people
- Measurement of the effectiveness of noise-abatement (evaluation)
- Support of a
cooperative noise management,
the public participation on the topic of noise through
consulting & research
Expertises and studies on noise effects
In our studies on noise effects we examine the annoyance of people affected by noise with the greatest of scientific care.
By creating profound and sophisticated exposure-response analyses, we provide valuable information on the effect of noise for different disturbance levels, at different times, differentiated by noise sources and for the population as a whole or different groups (e.g. children, seniors). We use methods of analysis adapted for the issue that vary from the classic representative survey (written, by phone, mobile, online) to behavioural monitoring and laboratory experiments to computer-based diary methods (experience sampling methods).
The acousticians in our
teams are professionals in their field and, with
the most modern
measurement and calculation methods, identify noise
measures, which are then compared with the interview and
Measurement of the effectiveness of noise-abatement (evaluation)
Noise protection is not for free - it often requires substantial investments. To use capital funds for noise protection in a useful and efficient way, it is advisable to provide a performance measurement of noise protection measures that not just examines the sound-absorbing effects but furthermore contemplates the effects of those arrangements themselves and their attendant circumstances on the impact of noise.The sound of noise sources
explains up to about one third of the annoyance due to
noise in the
population. Thus, noise protection measures and their
circumstances often trigger additional effects beside
the noise
reduction. These non-acoustical effects can enhance or
decrease the
reduction of noise annoyance within the population.
Therefore, an
impact-oriented arrangement evaluation reveals
both the
acoustical and non-acoustical effects of noise
protection measures as
well as the implementation of action plans, thereby
creating the
conditions for a target-oriented and effective
fine-tuning of the
noise-abatement plan.
Cooperative Noise Management, public participation
As the noise effect research repeatedly shows, the noise annoyance is caused only partly by the sound. There are also psychological and situational factors, such as the attitude towards the noise source, the confidence towards the noise polluters, planners and decision makers as well as the individual sensitivity to noise and the personal coping strategies that are available in the noise situation for those concerned.
Accordingly, very effective additions to technical noise protection programs are
- a transparent and authentic information policy from the companies or businesses responsible for the noise on the one hand and the planners and decision makers of public authorities on the other hand,
- the ensuring of the acceptance of noise abatement measures and
- the possibility to involve affected persons in the improvement of their noise situation.
Through consultancy,
and moderation we support the development of a
cooperative noise
management and the participation of the public
(e.g. through the
action planning according to the EU Environmental Noise
We moderate workshops, focus groups, town meetings and information sessions around the issue of noise and noise effect.